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Top University of Toronto Courses

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These are the top 15 University of Toronto courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Coursera course.

Learn to Program Course
Crafting Quality Code
Not all programs are created equal
University of Toronto
Jennifer Campbell
0 reddit posts
39 mentions
Learn to Program Course
The Fundamentals
Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen
University of Toronto
Jennifer Campbell
0 reddit posts
186 mentions
Mind Control Course
Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and
University of Toronto
Steve Joordens
1 reddit posts
26 mentions
Introduction to Psychology Course
This course will highlight the most interesting experiments within the field of psychology, discussing the
University of Toronto
Steve Joordens
0 reddit posts
20 mentions
Bioinformatic Methods I Course
Large-scale biology projects such as the sequencing of the human genome and gene expression surveys using
University of Toronto
Nicholas James Provart
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness Course
Learn how social factors promote mental health, influence the onset and course of mental illness, and
University of Toronto
Charmaine Williams
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
iOS App Development with Swift Specialization
Launch Your Career in iOS
University of Toronto
Parham Aarabi
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Bioinformatic Methods II Course
Large-scale biology projects such as the sequencing of the human genome and gene expression surveys using
University of Toronto
Nicholas James Provart
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
The Arts and Science of Relationships Course
Understanding Human Needs
This course provides an introduction to: 1
University of Toronto
A. Ka Tat Tsang
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Introduction To Swift Programming Course
Introduction to Swift Programming is the first course in a four part specialization series that will
University of Toronto
Parham Aarabi
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
The City and You Course
Find Your Best Place
Welcome to The City and You: Find Your Best Place
University of Toronto
Richard Florida
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Self-Driving Cars Specialization
Launch Your Career in Self-Driving Cars
University of Toronto
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Analysis Specialization
Launch your career in mapping and GIS
University of Toronto
Don Boyes
1 reddit posts
7 mentions
Introduction to GIS Mapping Course
Get started learning about the fascinating and useful world of geographic information systems (GIS)
University of Toronto
Don Boyes
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Aboriginal Worldviews and Education Course
Intended for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners, this course will explore indigenous ways of
University of Toronto
Jean-Paul Restoule
0 reddit posts
5 mentions