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Top Princeton University Courses

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These are the top 14 Princeton University courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Coursera course.

Algorithms, Part I Course
This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms
Princeton University
Kevin Wayne
6 reddit posts
1260 mentions
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies Course
To really understand what is special about Bitcoin, we need to understand how it works at a technical
Princeton University
Arvind Narayanan
33 reddit posts
209 mentions
Algorithms, Part II Course
This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms
Princeton University
Robert Sedgewick
0 reddit posts
611 mentions
Buddhism and Modern Psychology Course
The Dalai Lama has said that Buddhism and science are deeply compatible and has encouraged Western scholars
Princeton University
Robert Wright
10 reddit posts
145 mentions
Computer Architecture Course
In this course, you will learn to design the computer architecture of complex modern microprocessors
Princeton University
David Wentzlaff
2 reddit posts
58 mentions
Computer Science Course
Programming with a Purpose
The basis for education in the last millennium was “reading, writing, and arithmetic;” now it is reading,
Princeton University
Robert Sedgewick
0 reddit posts
19 mentions
Effective Altruism Course
Effective altruism is built on the simple but unsettling idea that living a fully ethical life involves
Princeton University
Peter Singer
3 reddit posts
14 mentions
Imagining Other Earths Course
Are we alone? This course introduces core concepts in astronomy, biology, and planetary science that enable
Princeton University
David Spergel
3 reddit posts
3 mentions
Analytic Combinatorics Course
Analytic Combinatorics teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large
Princeton University
Robert Sedgewick
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
Analysis of Algorithms Course
This course teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial
Princeton University
Robert Sedgewick
0 reddit posts
9 mentions
Networks Course
Friends, Money, and Bytes
You pick up your iPhone while waiting in line at a coffee shop
Princeton University
Mung Chiang
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Computer Science Course
Algorithms, Theory, and Machines
This course introduces the broader discipline of computer science to people having basic familiarity with
Princeton University
Robert Sedgewick
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
Paradoxes of War Course
The Paradoxes of War teaches us to understand that war is not only a normal part of human existence, but is
Princeton University
Miguel A. Centeno
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Networks Illustrated Course
Principles without Calculus
What makes WiFi faster at home than at a coffee shop? How does Google order its search results from the
Princeton University
Christopher Brinton
0 reddit posts
2 mentions