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Top Peking University Courses

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These are the top 10 Peking University courses and offerings found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Coursera course.

Chinese for Beginners Course
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who are interested in Chinese culture and language
Peking University
Xiaoyu Liu
6 reddit posts
28 mentions
More Chinese for Beginners Course
This is an advanced course for Chinese for beginners
Peking University
Xiaoyu Liu
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
Chinese for HSK 4 Course
大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join our Chinese for HSK Level 4 course
Peking University
LU Yun
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Chinese for HSK 5 Course
HSK五级课程是一门通过HSK五级的学习提高学习者的汉语水平,进而在HKS五级考试中取得好成绩的课程。 HSK五级慕课课程共12周,分为两部分。
Peking University
Liu Chaoying
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Chinese Characters for beginner 汉字 Course
Welcome to "Chinese Characters for beginner"
Peking University
Shi Zhengyu
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Chinese for HSK 6 Course
HSK六级课程旨在通过学习HSK六级相关内容提高学习者的汉语水平,并帮助学习者在HSK六级考试中获得好成绩。 HSK六级慕课课程共12周,分为两个部分。
Peking University
Wang Yu
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Chinese for HSK 1 Course
Nǐ hǎo
Peking University
YU Bin
1 reddit posts
11 mentions
Advanced Neurobiology I Course
Hello everyone
Peking University
Yan Zhang
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Chinese for HSK 3 PART I Course
大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join our Chinese for HSK Level 3 course
Peking University
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Learn Chinese Specialization
HSK Test Preparation
Chinese For HSK (Level 1-3)
Peking University
YU Bin
1 reddit posts
16 mentions