I think it depends on what your hopeful outcome is! I'm no expert, but here are my thoughts.
If you are planning on making a significant career shift into the coding space, I'd recommend taking something more foundational with some proper CS elements involved.
I took this class from MITx, and even though it was incredibly high effort, it absolutely changed my life. I plan on taking CS50 from Harvard later this year because it explores more than just Python.
If you already have some background in coding, then I feel like whichever Python class you take - codeacademy, what have you, will teach you the basics of Python and you can decide where to go from there. For a useful collection of Python basics, I did enjoy browsing through the Python for Everybody course, which has a free accompanying textbook, if you learn better that way.
However, as a guy who feels a bit stuck in intro-level python, I'm currently going through the Python track in the Hyperskill platform, and it is the first course that got me off my ass and led me to creating a Github, and start publishing small projects and tasks that they had assigned. Which in the long run, I believe, is more significant than a few certificates I might have posted on my LinkedIn. It also teaches you how to use the basics of the PyCharm IDE, which was really intimidating to me when I opened the community edition with no knowledge of how to use it. Two birds one stone!
Good luck!