Learn to Program
The Fundamentals

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Offered by University of Toronto. Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. This ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
Jennifer Campbell
Professor, Teaching Stream
and 1 more instructor

Offered by
University of Toronto

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 186 mentions • top 50 shown below

r/learnpython • post
128 points • pmbdev
An excellent Python programming course on Coursera is open (deadline-this week)

Coursera is offering Learn to Program: The Fundamentals. It is a Python 3.4.3 based course. I took it in 2013 and found it very beautifully and carefully designed course – sequence of topics, pace of lectures and succinct course materials were great. At that time, it was fifth most popular course on Coursera. Despite my previous basic background in Python, I did learn few exciting new things that I didn’t know before. And it was a great refresher or brush-up for what I already knew. Hope some of you might like to enroll (enrollment deadline is this week)

There is also a 2nd part of this course Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code that should open soon. It looks like this 2nd part course is not for beginners and requires some basic background in Python. I missed to take this course earlier but based on my very positive experience with part-I course, I am eagerly looking forward to enrolling.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
8 points • PiggySpeed
r/UofT • comment
7 points • csc108tutor

This online course covers much of the same content: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

And if you need a tutor, I know a guy

r/UofT • comment
7 points • haliu

If you're looking for programming, CSC108 is available on coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/UofT • comment
5 points • ExpressiveSunset

this video course essentially covers most of what you learn in 108 and is taught by the 108 instructors

r/UofT • comment
8 points • atred3

Coursera has a course very similar to 108, taught by professors who have taught 108. It is similar to the PCRS videos used in the actual class. https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program


>Also do you think it's possible to learn the equivalent of CSC108 on your own?

It is possible to learn any undergraduate CS course on your own. You can learn 373 by yourself in a month.

r/learnpython • comment
3 points • Lugersmith

Thank you so much for such an amazing comment! Where do you think would be a good place/start to learning about programming basics? Can it be something like this: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program, or do you imagine something else?

r/UofT • comment
3 points • Wellwisher0


r/computerscience • comment
3 points • arkhitekton

This Coursera course from the University of Toronto seems well-rated, and the syllabus looks like similar content from what I had in my first programming course. https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/UTSC • comment
7 points • BrianHarrington

For CSC108, there's actually a MOOC created by the same faculty members who designed the current version of the course. https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program So if you worked through that over the summer, you've be very well prepared for the course. (Or alternatively just tinker around in python for fun, it's mostly about getting some familiarization at this point).

For Math, you will be taking Calculus and Discrete Math in the fall. I'm sure others will chime in here about what they felt was different between the higschool curriculum and first semester courses

r/selenium • comment
3 points • romulusnr

This is a fundamental programming question not exclusive to Selenium and is best suited to a beginner's programming forum. https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/UofT • comment
2 points • Deckowner
r/Python • comment
2 points • theritznl

I started out with Coursera’s https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program and it got me going. After that I started a career track at DataCamp but that’s because I like data. Apparently. Starting a little project is also a good way to get going. Kaggle was recommended to me because of ML but I find it too hard for now. I’m 42 by the way and a switcher. I’m an operations engineer trying my luck in dev. Never got into programming because I couldn’t find the peace of mind to study. Best tip I can give you is quite simply: take your time and only learn by doing things you like doing. Find your muse and get to know her.

r/Python • comment
2 points • TheFarnell

I followed the Coursera course Learn to Program. It assumes you know nothing more than basic math to start, and I thought it was pretty good as an intro to Python.

r/yorku • comment
2 points • ChOOsetheBLUEs

This is probably the next best thing I can suggest if you must learn python and want to do so in a somewhat structured manner.


From what I know, this is a watered down version of CSC 108 taught by 2 UofT profs.

If you end up being successful with your LOP, I'd like to know how you convinced him to let you do it because I'm also in the same boat.

r/Python • comment
1 points • SLW_STDY_SQZ

https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program is a pretty nice course for absolute beginners. They teach the basics but also instill some good practices. There are also the Learn Python the Hard Way, and Automate the Boring Stuff books. Both are good if that is more your learning style.

r/UofT • comment
1 points • Swdthebest

Have you done any programming before?

If yes - learn more things over the summer and skip 108. Maybe work on some projects for fun

if no:

I would recommend to start learning and if you have enough time maybe learn a bunch and skip 108. It will also be an early sign whether you actually enjoy CS.

you can try this course on coursera which is offered by UofT and is very similar to 108. Since you do not need the certificate, you can use it for free.

Otherwise brush up on math to be ready for calc. I don't think you should prepare for CS Theory courses, unless you wanna get ahead on the material. I think it's better to spend your summer doing something else. Just keep up with CSC165 once you get here.

r/datascience • comment
1 points • eszkis

I'm 4 months ahead of you on a similar mission. I did this course first, it starts from the very basics, but is able to lay down solid foundations in Python.

The next step for me was checking out Datacamp and Dataquest. They are pretty similar in the topics covered, the difference is in the approach: Datacamp is videotutorial plus excercise based, Dataquest is text only and a bit more hands on. Dataqest fits my learning style better, since on quite a few occasions I felt like I understood the video lesson, but was dumbfounded when I had to start writing my own code. Both of them have a monthly fee, but there are regular discounts on the yearly packages. Both of then have trial accounts, sign up and test them to see which one fits.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • synapgorithm

CS50X is really worth it? I read that it takes lots of hours per week

Do you mind giving your opinion of this course, it's relevant to my current school's curriculum https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program/home/welcome

r/learnprogramming • comment
3 points • diek00

From coursera and U of T, Learn to Program: The Fundamentals, and
Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code; and
https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program https://www.coursera.org/learn/program-code

r/programminghorror • comment
1 points • gonzofish

Guys instead of downvoting and discouraging this kid further, help him.

Coursera is a great resource. Here’s a ~29 hour (mostly) self guided intro course from the University of Toronto (which is a great CS school if I remember): https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/Romania • comment
1 points • Mikixx

Înscrie-te pe coursera la un curs de programare. Uite, de exemplu la ăsta: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

Mi l-a recomandat o prietenă care l-a folosit să învețe python. Începe chiar azi.

Desigur, poți să îl faci și altă dată, că te lasă să dowloadezi toate materialele și în afara timpului regulamentar al cursului. Dar dacă îl faci în timpul regulamentar este cam ca un curs pe bune, cu deadline-uri la teme și ore pe care trebuie să parcurgi săptămână de săptămână. Deci e un incentive să nu procrastinezi.

Vezi că e gratis, deși are și opținea să plătești 50$ pentru un certificat. Tu înscrie-te la ăla gratis, că nu faci nimic cu un certificat de începători.

r/povertyfinance • comment
1 points • SorryyN0TSorryy

Programming is wonderful if you're great at math and think with logic. Try to stay focused on the positive for as hard as it may be. Coursera offers free courses. Might want to look into them. But if i learned basic C++ at the age of 17, trust me, you definitely can 💪🏼 https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/UTSC • comment
1 points • Kanuda97

If you wanna know what we did in CSCA08, this course covers almost everything. You'll be watching videos made by the same profs.


r/AskReddit • comment
3 points • moneyman74

There are all kinds of free courses on any subject at coursera and Xed the course tools are usually open source and free


r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • swimtoodeep


Pretty good start point.

  • All free content

  • step by step instructions

  • complete beginner friendly

r/UofT • comment
1 points • mariobadr

You can use UofT's Coursera course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/ProgrammerHumor • comment
1 points • dipdipderp

Freecode camp or try this course:


Both are a great intro to python

r/computerscience • post
21 points • RGnt
Planning a course list for undergraduate self study 'degree', and would like your input.

Hello, yet another one planning on Bachelors level studies online with heavy emphasis on machine learning and data science, i've been trying to put together a list of courses for my self to complete (and get a fancy certificate for completed courses) using coursera. So far I've come up with following list:

Learn to Program: The Fundamentals and Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code (University of Toronto - https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program / https://www.coursera.org/learn/program-code )

Introduction to Discrete Mathematics of Computer Science (University of California, Sand Diego High School of Economics - https://www.coursera.org/specializations/discrete-mathematics )

Data Science Math Skills (Duke University - https://www.coursera.org/learn/datasciencemathskills ) Introduction to Logic (Standford University - https://www.coursera.org/learn/logic-introduction )

Data Structures and Algorithms (University of California, San Diego, High School of Economics - https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-structures-algorithms )

Fundamentals of Computing (Rice University - https://www.coursera.org/specializations/computer-fundamentals )

Machine Learning (Stanford University - https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning )

Deep Learning (deeplearning.ai - https://www.coursera.org/specializations/deep-learning )

Software Design and Architecture Specialization (University of Alberta - https://www.coursera.org/specializations/software-design-architecture )

Natural Language Processing (High School of Economics - https://www.coursera.org/learn/language-processing )

Data Science Specialization - (John Hopkins University - https://www.coursera.org/specializations/jhu-data-science)

When it comes to math, physics and possibly electrical engineering I've considered relying purely on khanacademy to fill in the gaps I have at moment.

So here's the main question, is there something you guys/gals can see that is "wrong", is there something that's missing or just would be nice to add on top of that?

Any comments/critique/your opinions are most welcome!

r/learnpython • comment
2 points • Paulo_MTR
r/UofT • comment
2 points • nomoreanxietyy

No, but the videos are still up on Coursera.



r/learnpython • comment
2 points • lordpetts

Was the U of T you were talking about this one ?


The U of M one looks pretty interesting as well -


Did you take any of the courses on there ?

r/UTM • comment
2 points • Lollipickles

Most students find MAT102 harder than programming since it is a very different kind of math from high school. I don't have any good resources for proofs, but if you can you should at least look into the properties of math that the course will cover. Here are some course notes for CSC165, which is a course in StG: https://www.teach.cs.toronto.edu/%7Ecsc165h/winter/resources/csc165_notes.pdf


If you have no prior programming experience I recommend checking out UofT's beginner online course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

r/italy • comment
5 points • Carlidel

Per quel che riguarda il "se", dipende tutto da te... Quello che ti dovresti chiedere per davvero è se hai le idee ben chiare su quello che vuoi riuscire a fare con un computer che già non riesci a fare senza programmazione, se hai dei progetti in testa già molto chiari e che quindi vuoi riuscire a mettere insieme il prima possibile (automatizzare merda rubatempo per migliorare la tua vita o fare progetti piacevolmente accademici e divertenti?), ed esattamente che "cosa" vuoi imparare della programmazione.

Devi purtroppo avere delle risposte abbastanza chiare a queste domande perché il mondo della programmazione è mostruosamente vasto e, ahimé, molto mal documentato alle volte per uno che comincia da zero.

Mi limiterò quindi a darti 3 input molto base ed estremamente criticabili od espandibili ab libitum con qualsivoglia commento o documentazione extra:

  1. Se vuoi ragionare ad "alto livello" (i.e. programmare script automatizzanti con funzioni e sintassi molto a portata di umano senza doverti preoccupare di problematiche come gestione di memoria e puntatori e tipizzazione severa), un buon punto di partenza è il linguaggio Python. A chi mi chiede come cominciare consiglio sempre questo corso su Coursera e questo simpatico libro su come automatizzare cose con Python.

  2. Se invece vuoi imparare le cose a "basso livello" (i.e. scrivere istruzioni molto più base e precise a livello cosa fare con le varie cose a disposizione, la memoria ed i tipi di variabile), beh, è molta più fatica ma ne uscirai molto più temprato e forte. Ti conviene quindi partire da linguaggi famosi come il C++, preparandoti a soffrire molto e a combattere a pieno petto le cose... e magari se vuoi direttamente fare cose di elettronica puoi trastullarti con un po' di Arduino che fa sempre bene. Personalmente ho cominciato col C++ ai tempi del liceo addestrandomi coi problemi delle olimpiadi di informatica con anche il correttore ufficiale (tieni conto che però così impari più algoritmica pura che vera programmazione concreta, è tuttavia roba molto utile per entrare nel mood giusto).

  3. Usa sempre e comunque Google per documentarti su tutti gli errori e ostacoli che trovi e troverai. La documentazione è crudele coi principianti e le possibilità di errore sono infinite... ma nel momento in cui impari a cercare quello che ti serve con le tecniche giuste di ricerca, diventi capace di affrontare in fretta la stragrande maggioranza dei problemi.

È un bel mondo da vivere, nonostante tutto, in bocca al lupo!

r/UofT • comment
2 points • firehawk12

Honestly, once you're in, you can do whatever. The concentrations supposedly give you priority when you register for courses, but I have no idea how it works since they literally just open it and then everyone rushes over to ACORN at the same time. Maybe it puts you higher on the waiting list?

For ISD, the two programming courses are really, really simple. The idea is to just give you an idea of programming so that you can be literate, but not teach you Computer Science. I guess it would be like you teaching me Freud or Lacan for a couple of weeks, but that doesn't qualify me to do anything you can do.

Both courses are based on undergrad CS courses that you can actually audit now (or sneak into at least) - CSC108, and CSC343. They turned CSC108 into a coursera course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program And here is a sample CSC343 page: http://www.teach.cs.toronto.edu/~csc343h/winter/

You'll learn enough to know what programming is, or what a database is, but not enough to program... but that's not really a business analyst's job anyway.

The other ISD courses are meant to teach you the tools that businesses use to communicate ideas/problems with systems, which does have a tie in to KMIM as well. It's why I highly recommend 1341 regardless of your concentration.

I will say, this year there were TONS of Information Management/Analyst jobs in co-op and in the Government. I had zero luck with banks and law firms though, because my resume is probably worse than yours (former PhD here, so 9 years of grad school lol), but I had good luck with Government interviews at least. Your experience might be different, but also, the jobs available can be different as well. I know a lot of people who like the co-op experience, and a lot who don't. You also have to take a co-op class which means you lose at least one class from your schedule (and you lose the Summer and Fall terms if you do get a position). You also have to pay the school an extra 600 dollars per term as a co-op student (which is why they'll say that working at a Starbucks can be better if you're doing it for the money). I enjoyed the experience, because it forced me to apply for jobs, take interviews, and just think about preparing myself to work - things I haven't really had to do until now.

With ISD positions, you're probably competing against UofT CS majors looking for experience too, so that may be harder. There is a Data Science course offered every year that I would recommend taking as well, since I know someone who got an ISD job based on taking that course. But I think with KMIM and ARM, you should have at least a lot of opportunities - but there are only a handful of positions that are sourced for iSchool students only. Most of them will be open to anyone and everyone one, and you will probably be competing with UWO FIS students for a lot of positions. (If you're young, the annual UNESCO position at Paris is a cool opportunity that is iSchool exclusive, so I would definitely apply to that if I were you lol)

I will say, and maybe this is just me, but if you aren't TOO busy, do take the time to sit in on a few other classes just to see what the other concentrations are about. You may find out that you really want to be a Librarian, and if you find that out in the first term, at least you can make a few adjustments going into the second term (also keep in mind that regardless of what you take, you will be an accredited Librarian when you graduate, so you could technically work in a library after...).

r/learnpython • post
3 points • ultraHQ
Wanting to enroll in an online class for a python certification.. which one is the best?

I have programming experience but nothing major. I’ve worked with python in the past but am very rusty. I can figure things out but would like to build up baseline knowledge and I figured getting a certificate in the process to throw on the ol resume wouldn’t be a horrible idea.

I’ve found these, and am wondering if anyone has any experience with any of them, or if I should go a different route.




r/ITCareerQuestions • comment
3 points • JayDeeEss

I did a lot of python through the MOOC platforms. I even ended up as a volunteer teaching assistant for a while.

If you're open to suggestions I found these two courses particularly good:


https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program https://www.coursera.org/learn/program-code

r/UofT • comment
3 points • a_k21

There's a two part series by the folks who run the introduction to compsci courses at UofT.

You can also use Lynda for free thanks to UofT whenever you get access to your proper login.

Beyond that, you should check out /r/learnprogramming (and probably the language-specific learning subreddit community too) and see what resources they have in their wiki's and top posts!

r/UTM • comment
3 points • GryffindorPhoenix959

Hi, course difficulty is very subjective but on average the course is not too difficult. The bigger problem that CS students find is trying to balance the work with other courses like calculus and proofs. If you haven't coded before it might be a good idea to check out these courses on Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program and https://www.coursera.org/learn/program-code by UofT. They cover a great deal of the material and it'll ensure you have everything setup and ready :)

r/UofT • comment
3 points • Excelblaster

Brush up on proofs and you should be good for first year, since 4/6 courses are math courses:

There’s no official textbook for discrete math (CSCA67), but I used the following to prepare for first year:

Read chapter 1 - 3 (Proofs) and this should be good preparation for CSCA67. Read chapter 5 too, as it will be very good preparation for parts of CSCA48 and the end of CSCA08: https://www.teach.cs.toronto.edu/~csc165h/winter/resources/csc165_notes.pdf

Also read the following textbook and try some proof questions: http://www.gatestudymaterial.com/study-material/engineering%20mathematics/Discrete%20Mathematics%20with%20Application-4th%20Edition%20by%20Susanna%20S.%20Epp.pdf

CSCA08 should be easy enough if you took high school computer science. But the prof for next year (Brian Harrington) teaches the course differently from how it’s taught at UTM and UTSC. If you don’t have prior programming experience, take CSC108 on coursera (I’m pretty sure it’s free but I don’t know): https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

Here are some CSC108 videos: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCu8NnRGTGxHe96Le0xqLrNQ

I wouldn’t recommend studying MATA31, MATA22, and MATA37 ahead of time since you won’t have a fun final summer, and you’ll be burnt out once school starts. Just try to enjoy your summer and don’t study too much. That’s what the school year is for.

r/UMBC • comment
1 points • MattyMurdoc26

Here's one


Also this reddit post has a ton of good advice


r/uwaterloo • comment
1 points • Spencer_Wilson

Yeah, I was a strong math student, but not exceptional. Mid-high 90s grades in math and top quartile on COMC/Euclid but nothing more. As for CS, I had zero experience except working through these two courses on my own:



r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • pltnk

Check this two courses, they are really good: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program https://www.coursera.org/learn/program-code Notice that it is meant to take them in that exact order.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • okasiyas

Maybe It's not you but the source you are learning from. Try new courses/tutorials, we all have different ways to approach the world, so, maybe it is that. And please do not quit. Also do not do thing for money (unless when finance is the thing). Do things for your mind, for your soul.

I spent 10 years stuck at Python/Programming (bc that was not my main area) until I met a course where I did flow through it. This was my savior: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program/home/info

Also, you mention anxiety and the way you address is (pardon me the prejudge) like someone who suffers from it. And I do suffer it. The only thing I can say is that you could over power it, and you could learn whatever the fuck you want, but you need to have patience and cool head. So, relax, and go down into the good rabbit hole...

r/OMSA • comment
1 points • mikeczyz

I thought it was a pretty good primer.


As a more advanced intro, I started taking this:




Waaay more in depth than CS1301.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • erapr1

Don't worry. Your college program will likely start with an intro to CS course where you'll learn your first language and a lot of programming concepts. Many of your peers may initially be ahead of you, but the content won't assume you already know it. You will have to work a bit harder, but stretching yourself is part of the college experience. You can do it.

If you have time and want to get a head start, though, maybe look at an intro course on Coursera or similar site. An intro course to Python might also be useful.

FWIW, these both look good to me:

r/UofT • comment
1 points • Lanklord

Web: w3 schools

General programming: UofT's coursera

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • Saiboo

Here are two free introductory Python courses on Coursera:

r/netsecstudents • comment
2 points • paranoidbacon

Break your objective in two parts:

1) Learn python:



2) Apply python to pentest:


r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • These_Trust3199

There's a ton of resources in the FAQ, but if you're looking for something very specific, this might be a good place to start: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program

Really, you could just google "beginner programming course" and anything you find would be fine.