Analysis of Algorithms
Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Coursera course from Princeton University.
Offered by Princeton University. This course teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial ... Enroll for free.
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Taught by
Robert Sedgewick
William O. Baker *39 Professor of Computer Science
and 13 more instructors
Offered by
Princeton University
Reddit Posts and Comments
0 posts • 9 mentions • top 8 shown below
1 points • CleverBunnyThief
Have a look at this course:
1 points • annnm
huge thank you for the list. Given the breadth of this, i'm not sure I can get through too much during quarantine, but I will keep this list and slowly get through it.
And to be sure, I'm not trying to do research. I just want to be able to roughly understand modeling to get a sense of its limitations and strengths. As of right now, it's totally a black box for me.
By analysis, do you mean something like this mooc?
Side note: You be licensed as a physician, you only sort of need basic algebra. Prerequisites for matriculation into med school includes a strong suggestion (sometimes requirement) for either a single stats or calc class. During med school, you can pass 70+% of med school stats by knowing how to calculate sens/spec/PPV/NPV and knowing a few experimental biases. And you don't need statistics at all to pass board exams, as they're but a small fraction of the required content. This should explain a lot of MD statistical illiteracy, especially during these times.
1 points • semprotanbayigonTM
I once learnt Java for Android so I don't really mine.
I assume Princeton only has 2 courses, right? The Part 1 & The Part 2? Should I also take this Analysis of Algoritms course?
I don't know much about algorithms. When & where do they start teaching the data structure? On Stanford's courses, they start teaching it on the second course.
2 points • CodeTinkerer
I see. Well, maybe you'd still get something out of an alternate version of the course.
Here are some links
1 points • CitadelSecuritiesDev
Start by taking a Data Structures and Algorithms class. I liked this one when I first started
1 points • miraclestyle
Not sure what you consider an "intermediate level", but I found this useful:
Haven't checked this one yet:
All of them are free.
1 points • WallStreetFox
thank you so much. do you mind taking a look at my roadmap?
CS Fundamentals (
- Introductory Programming with Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)
- Math for Computer Science AKA Discrete Math
- Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures with The Algorithm Design Manual
Programming Projects
- The Odin Project (MERN stack from beginner to intermediate)
- FullStackOpen (MERN stack intermediate to advanced)
- intermediate JavaScript and industry practices
Mastering a Language: Python
- FullStackPython
- No Starch Press books (Automate The Boring Stuff, Crash Course Python, etc.)
- O'Reilly books (Think Python, Fluent Python)
Industry Books
- The Pragmatic Programmer
- Clean Code
- The Practice of Programming?
Algorithms and Data Structures
- Coursera Algorithms Part 1 by Princeton
- More?: Coursera Part 2, Analysis of Algorithms by Princeton, or Algorithms Specialization by Stanford
- Books for intuitive understanding?: Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms, Grokking Algorithms
- Know when to use: array, linked list, stacks, queues, hash-sets, hash-maps, hash-tables, dictionary, tree, binary tree, heap, graph, and which algorithm goes with it.
Software Testing
- Printing
- Edge cases: negative, minimum value, zero, one, length, maximum value
- Breakpoints
- Other? (I will do more research, but open to suggestions)
- LeetCode top questions
- Cracking The Coding Interview & Elements of Programming Interviews? (skim)
- TripleByte practice interview
I'm concerned because, as a pure math undergrad, I'll be skipping over the advanced knowledge of most CS majors such as Operating Systems and Database Management. However, I'm confident that I can learn those after I get an offer.
Do you have any thoughts on my roadmap?