Foundations of Positive Psychology

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Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Coursera specialization from University of Pennsylvania.

Offered by University of Pennsylvania. Positive Psychology: Well-being for life. Master strategies and tools that enable individuals and ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
Karen Reivich, Ph.D.
Director of Resilience Training Services
and 23 more instructors

Offered by
University of Pennsylvania

This specialization includes these 3 courses.

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 35 mentions • top 10 shown below

r/IWantToLearn • comment
7 points • BlueKing7642

You should look into positive psychology and stoicism.

My favorite books on the subject

Art Of Living By Epictetus


Man Search For Meaning

Self Compassion

Art Of Happiness by Dalai Lama

Happiness Hypothesis

The author, Martin E.P. Seligman, has a free course online

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday Also has a YouTube channel

Start a gratitude journal. You can get a physical book or open a google doc and write 5 things you are grateful for everyday

Bed Clean drinking water Food Friends/family Privacy I laughed today

I found myself bitching a lot less about life's little inconveniences when I remember "I have clean drinking water" It's a wake up call and a reminder of how little is really needed to be happy

r/AcademicPsychology • comment
2 points • RedditforMyHobbies

Positive psychology seems interesting as well, there are some upcoming short courses

r/askpsychology • comment
1 points • Hnnnnnn

I'm curious to see links to the studies too. I have learned in this course that there have been studies of programs in American Army and a whole Eastern Asia country, Bhutan I think? But I've never seen them myself.

r/AskReddit • comment
1 points • lindeboom27

There's a free course on Coursera about this. Well, there are a few when you look it up, but I did this one and I really liked it:

r/depressionregimens • comment
3 points • DanTheDiscloser

I found this course set helpful:


r/AcademicPsychology • comment
3 points • JayBeCee

Free online training from Martin Seligman and crew here:

positive psych foundations

Positive Acorn has a coach accreditation

And this book:

Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching

Should be a good start.

I have my Masters in Applied Positive Pychology so feel free to ask questions. But fair warning I suck at checking my notifications so I might be slow!

r/AskWomenOver30 • comment
3 points • Celestaria

It sounds to me like you've actually done quite a bit. You've traveled, learned to play two instruments, have a degree that sounds quite difficult to get, and you've been gainfully employed at a job that gives you a great deal of freedom. The issue is that you aren't satisfied with what you've done.

Until you said what your degree was, I wondered if I'd found my sister's Reddit account (which is to say that I know what it's like to grow up in a dysfunctional home environment). I also know that it's common to come out of that sort of environment in a different ways. Feeling unsure about what you want, fearing that it'll never be good enough, and just generally being withdrawn are all well within the realm of those reactions. It also sounds like you're socially isolated right now, which is definitely hard.

The good news is that you're already taking (or have taken) the first step: acknowledging that you want a change. Another tick in the good tally: you're willing to ask for help, which... uh... yours truly never does, both here and via therapy. But you aren't feeling satisfied or fulfilled, so how to address that? The solution is basically to change the way you feel about the situation, which can feel very 1984 to a lot of people, but isn't nearly as manipulative as all that especially if you're the one guiding the process.

I can honestly only tell you what has worked for me, and that's learning about both Childhood Emotional Neglect and Positive Psychology, and generally trying to understand about what the science had to say about overcoming adverse childhood experiences. A lot of people Positive Psychology because it seems too... "rose-coloured" I guess, but the techniques did work for me. (Highly recommend both this book and this series of MooCs if you're looking for some concrete resources). If CEN does sound like you, you can actually seek out a therapist who specializes in this kind of a thing, so that might help as well.

One thing you can try right now is "self empathy". Basically, many people are much harder on themselves than they are others, both in terms of expectations and what they tell themselves when those expectations are unmet. The gist is that you acknowledge and define what you're feeling, give your self some time to feel those things, but then consider what you would say to a friend or loved one who was experiencing the same thing. I doubt you'd call them a failure.

I'm not going to talk about "apples to oranges", because I personally believe that's just another kind of unhelpful competition. The aim is to be okay for you, not to turn your success story into some kind of personal myth. Acknowledge your challenges and use them as a stepping stone if you have to, but don't build your whole image of success on them, or else you're just going to have to face another crisis if/when you meet someone who's come from an objectively worse situation and achieved more than you have.

r/Fitness • comment
1 points • keanwood

I think a lot of people have the same thoughts, however many might not have done enough self reflection to put those thoughts to words like you have. So you're definitley not alone.


I don't have any direct advice, but you might find what you are looking for over at or All the classes are free. In addition to the positive psychology, there are lots of classes on nutrition/excercise/health.


I just picked two at random, there are many more.


r/DecidingToBeBetter • comment
1 points • ReallyRussell

This is the best book I found about exercise & depression.

Easy reading.

If you want to try something broader to feel better, I found this program on coursera to be useful.

r/Meditation • comment
1 points • alaire1

Track down material by Martin Seligman who started the positive psychology movement. You can find a lot of his stuff and from his acolytes at the library. There's also this course on coursera which you can audit (read material) for free.

Also here:


Just remember that thoughts trigger feelings. So if you're feeling like you're in a downward spiral, you have to figure out what thoughts preceded that feeling and then challenge them.


Your statements that "it's too late" and that you're in a downward spiral suggest that something is worse than your present situation. Everyone gets knocked back from time to time. People lose jobs all the time. But a big part of your ability to recover is your attitude about the situation. That's something you can learn.


Meditation will certainly help, but it's not everything.