> Hello all who are reading this, first time coming across this type of thread
hey! We post these every 15 days on saturdays, feel free to participate
> As a 3rd year college student should i focus on learning "old" languages like C/C++, Java then to focus on newer stuff like javascript and python(already did python, want to do more)
Actually they are almost of same age, except C. Old or new doesn't matter. C++/Java have quite demand. And also once you progress in your career, you might have to learn multiple languages. I would say pick either of Python or JS (or may be both) and get good at them. I suggested these two, cos they are easier to learn compared to C/C++ and also they have pretty good community on reddit.
> Is there a chance for an Electrical Engineer to Compete with IT and CSE student for internships, i feel there is a gap between our skill and knowledge, their entire syllabus is optimized and here we are doing our stream subject and then programming.
There is! Start learning coding and learn about algorithms, datastructures too.
> Is there a better resource than GeeksforGeeks to learn more about the different data structures and algorithm.
Personally I don't like GeeksForGeeks and I dont think anyone should use it. For better resources:
- Tim Roughgarden by https://www.coursera.org/specializations/algorithms
- Alogrithm Design Manual by Skienna