IBM Full Stack Cloud Developer

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Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Coursera professional certificate from IBM.

Offered by IBM. Kickstart your career in application development. Master Cloud Native and Full Stack Development using hands-on projects ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
Joseph Santarcangelo
Ph.D., Data Scientist at IBM
and 19 more instructors

Offered by

This professional-certificate includes these 2 courses.

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 10 mentions • top 6 shown below

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • use_a_name-pass_word

It's not Github but maybe this?

r/webdev • comment
1 points • Kakirax

Hey guys. I'm a new software developer with experience in Java and C++ and I want to gain good skills in web dev to make my skill set more broad. I have 2 years before I'd want to leave my current java dev job, and I was hoping to get some advice between 2 learning resources. I want to go all in either on freecodecamp and try to get the full stack cert (pretty much everything minus the python courses), or get the cert from this coursera course. I will only have about 5 free hours a week to work on web dev. Between these 2, which do you think would be better?

If you have any other recommendations for resources please let me know, ideally though I would get some kind of certification I can put on my resume/linkedin.

r/chile • comment
1 points • ggBida

Gente del area: Estoy haciendo este curso de Full Stack dev en Coursera, como lo ven como punto de partida?

Qué me recomiendan hacer cuando lo termine? Me craneo proyectos propios pa armar un portafolio decente pa mostrar cuando pida pega, o busco pegas que paguen poco/nada pa juntar experiencia?

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • shadystonedboii

How come? I just see Enroll for free option and then it takes me to the cart for entering credit card for the trial. Here is the course link. Can you please check?


r/ITCareerQuestions • comment
1 points • vasaforever

Don't psych yourself out on choosing a path. The commentor above gave you a target - Full Stack Development, or similar as a jump off. It's web development focused but also integrates really well with cloud technology. If you already have a memory of CSS, HTML and some Java you're already ahead of others. Check out some of these links and see what you think. You did it before and have the discipline to do it again, so maybe use this as a starting point.

Full Stack UK Salary

Full Stack Developer How To:

Coursera Course:

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Decent_Idea_7701