That's a good question. I lean towards finding a way to state your role on the project.
It's helps to highlight what a client can hire you for or what someone might bring you onboard for. For example, if you did the UI for something but not the UX, or you did the design for Delighted but not the illustration.
I think what you want to avoid is someone, for example, seeing the illustrations on Delighted and wanting to hire you for an illustration project.
As a potential employer I also like to know what role someone has played on a team (though it sounds like you've done all of this yourself). Some designers try to claim the work of a team they only played a small role on.
As far as typography, I was just recommending this CalArts design course to someone else. It's free to audit, and I imagine you could take the Typography part of it separately. Might help give your typography skills a boost!