If You Have Trouble with Chords... Or Write Lyrics Only...
...I'd strongly recommend you work through the Coursera Course from Berklee Music called "Songwriting: Writing the Music." You can audit the course so you don't have to pay and I'm not affiliated with it, but I just finished most of it, and really found it helpful.
Pat Pattinsons Coursera course on writing the lyrics gets a lot of love here, and this course should too. In only a few videos it walks you through the chords to use in the key of C major, what the main chords are, some simple progressions, how you can use simple substitutions, how you can add color to the chords (and what the color does) and how those decisions impact the emotion and focus of your song, as well as how you can use them to support your lyrics. It might require a little music theory knowledge... but really not a lot.
It also talks about melody and rhythm and how to use them all together to support your lyrics, and gets more advanced, but the biggest thing is that you could quite literally walk away from the first few videos with a chord progression you can use to write a LOT of songs.
If you don't play an instrument, you can create chord tracks using various apps and websites. I sound like a sales person, but I went through it last night and used it to re-think two songs I'd written where I liked the idea, but didn't like the execution and made quite a few things better.
Course Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/songwriting-writing-the-music/home/welcome=
Chord Chord chord progression generator: https://chordchord.com/
Autochords: https://autochords.com/
Hook Theory: https://hookpad.hooktheory.com/
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase let me stop removing lyrics only posts. We want to hear what you hear!!