Statistics with SAS

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Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Coursera course from SAS.

Offered by SAS. This introductory course is for SAS software users who perform statistical analyses using SAS/STAT software. The focus is on ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
Jordan Bakerman
Analytical Training Consultant
and 10 more instructors

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r/publichealth • comment
6 points • sub_arbore

I did SAS in school (for the lulz I guess because I forgot it almost immediately and have never used it professionally) and had to learn SPSS on the job, so I'm not a ton of help on the online course front but it looks like Coursera has a SAS class that you could audit for free ( In my experience, SAS is much more marketable for epi/biostats/clinical research-related jobs, and SPSS is more widely used in evaluation and jobs more closely related to the social sciences. I used this library heavily to learn SPSS:, and some health departments have datasets open for download that can be fun to play with. Also, if you know that you like coding/have a coding background I'd recommend starting with SAS since SPSS is pretty easy to branch out to from there, and I definitely prefer writing my code to using the user interface on SPSS.