I did SAS in school (for the lulz I guess because I forgot it almost immediately and have never used it professionally) and had to learn SPSS on the job, so I'm not a ton of help on the online course front but it looks like Coursera has a SAS class that you could audit for free (https://www.coursera.org/learn/sas-statistics). In my experience, SAS is much more marketable for epi/biostats/clinical research-related jobs, and SPSS is more widely used in evaluation and jobs more closely related to the social sciences. I used this library heavily to learn SPSS: https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/spss/library/, and some health departments have datasets open for download that can be fun to play with. Also, if you know that you like coding/have a coding background I'd recommend starting with SAS since SPSS is pretty easy to branch out to from there, and I definitely prefer writing my code to using the user interface on SPSS.