I was in a similar situation like you, about a week ago. I googled most of the result, whose summary is as follows:
- Courses:
- Coursera: Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow on GCP
- Pros: This course gives you more hands-on experience with actual coding.
- Cons: Not much into theoretical, hence if you just want to learn the implementation, you are good to go.
- Coursera: Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personal
- Pros: It is a 5 courses specialization which covers almost every aspect of a basic recommender system. The theory part is great and guides you to write your own code.
- Cons: It is an outdated course with video lecture being as old as 2014, also the programming language they use is Java which is not compatible with today's python friendly environment.
- Online Blogs/articles:
- Medium articles: You will get tons of medium articles on recommender system topics. Here are a few. which I liked:
- How hacker news algorithm works
- Introduction to recommendation systems and How to design Recommendation system,that resembling the Amazon
- Recommender Systems — User-Based and Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
- Also, you may find some good research paper like this one.
- Python libraries and online repositories:
- Lenskit
- Grouplens
- Kaggle
- Github repo 1
- Github repo 2
- Github repo 3
Any more help on this list will be extremely helpful.