If you do either Higher Ed or corporate chances are you'll need ADDIE or SAM. Talk to your strengths about creating a learning environment, using ed tech to increase learner engagement. They're all about learner engagement these days. Also Measurement and Evaluation are critical. Since you had an EOC talk about using learner data to improve performance and retention. Then think about how you would do that for adults.
This was my favorite website when I got into the AHRD (adult education and human resource development program) at JMU: http://bdld.blogspot.com/2010/06/instructional-design-toolkit.html.
Do you want to stick with live courses or digital? Would you be interested in getting an elearning certificate?
Here are some coursera courses that might interest you:
I did the jump from Spanish teacher in Charlotte to ISD in DC. So I get the struggle. You've got the teaching stuff...you may want to think about how to play up any coaching and mentoring. I do a lot of faculty development and I work in healthcare associations.
I hope some of this helps!