Hello there! It seems our interests are quite similar :)
Though I haven't tried Sentiment Analysis and Recurrent Neural Networks, I tried just a bag of word and linear classifier for my tasks. For my classification purposes it was enough and accuracy was about ~96%.
It's still a low score that helps a lot, but requires a lot of improvements. Some of my ideas about it:
- Bag of words doesn't take into account words order. So, instead, I need to analyze sequences. Introduction to Deep Learning (from HSE) on Coursera explains neural networks really well, AND it's including RNNs for analysing sequences (i.e. texts as well).
- Once again, they explain about word2vec. So I'm planning to use
- To be honest, as a quick&dirty approach for my pet projects, I just analysed text manually. And this is exactly, that increased accuracy from ~70% to current 96% (as far, as I can remember):
So quick approaches are:
- Just a common sense: "if there are some words in a text", let's mark it, automatically, as 0. "If there are some other words" let's mark it as 1.
- otherwise, let's try to use several methods and vote (ensemble).
This is a really simple and dirty approach for classification tasks, though it works in my case.
Best of luck!