How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course)

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Offered by The State University of New York. What you’ll achieve: In this project-centered course*, you will craft an essential cornerstone ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
Holly Justice
Career Counselor
and 11 more instructors

Offered by
The State University of New York

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 3 mentions • top 3 shown below

r/resumes • post
6 points • christinaondeck
online course on building resume

Just noticed coursera was offering this. May be helpful to someone here.

r/singapore • comment
1 points • chillpotoftea

I'm 24 this year with a full time job that I enjoy. I've been in it a little over a year now. I've been working casual or part time jobs since I was 13. Since then I've done waitressing, customer service, media buying, admin jobs etc. My biggest takeaway in those 10 years is to NEVER apply with job agencies.

All the jobs I've had through agencies have paid really shit, had toxic cultures and I've even been sexually harassed once.

I'm not saying all recruiting agencies are bad. Once you reach a certain level in your career and recruiters from reputable agencies reach out to you it gets much better because now you have some power but if you're young and naive you're just looking to get FUCKED.

Here's some tips to get a job without an agency:

Make sure your resume don't look like shit. I did this course to write a resume and pimp out my linkedin profile that scored me an interview with GIC.

Use job search tools like Google jobs, job street etc. but try to apply directly to the company.

MYCAREERSFUTURE is a great government supported tool to find jobs lah I get angry at the amount of ppl with Singpass who need a job and don't know about this wtf

If you want an entry level job in marketing, tech, product management etc. start researching small local startups with SME status in SG. They usually get grants from the government to accept locals and PRs in intern/entry level positions. Look for ones that are progressive, have good funding and diverse staff. I got my current job this way.

If you want to work at a bar, club or restaurant, patronise it, talk to the wait staff, bar staff etc. I like to catch them on a smoke break and ask for a light. I don't even really smoke but I carry around a pack just to start conversations. I've gotten 2 hostess jobs at posh places that way.

Might post more if more stuff pops up in my head. I hope this was helpful.

tl;dr: STOP USING SHITTY PREDATORY JOB AGENCIES. There are better ways. Got questions? PM me.

r/EngineeringResumes • comment
1 points • psychacct

Under BBBS, 'working with and guiding a young youth' has some redundancy that might stand out.

I'd write something more like 'mentored young adults ( the process of getting to college, or whatever it is you did)'.

I also wouldn't include my GPA, though 2.67 is pretty average for an engineering major. (Mine is around the same, tbh.) But most jobs/internships I've seen don't ask for it, and if they do, they usually require a 3.0 or above.

A few other things:

I would replace the numbered list under 'Professional Work' with bullets for more clarity/uniformity in your resume.

You might also want to elaborate more on what you did for each of your work experiences, and reduce some of the unnecessary things elsewhere to give the work section more emphasis.

Would highly recommend you check out this free online course if you have the chance:

I think you have a good start, and just working through the first few modules (writing the bullet points, formatting) to get a better sense of how to write all of this would help polish what you have.

Good luck!