I am surprised no one mentioned coursera. Dont enroll, just audit the courses. So you can watch the videos, get lecture notes, but cant take exams and assignments. The only thing I’d, you have to hold yourself responsible for actually putting in the work, since there will be no deadlines and assignments, you have to watch lectures, work, practice and make sure you understand them. Data science has a great online community so if you have questions or problems, you can look them up online.
I have put the courses in the order of how you should do it. So easy courses in the beginning and then detailed courses.
- How computers work: https://www.coursera.org/learn/how-computers-work
- Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-programming
- Python for Everybody - Specialization (There are multiple courses in this one) https://www.coursera.org/specializations/python
After this I think you would have basic understanding of how programming can help with analysing. And then build on this with data structures, data bases courses, and then get into the actual statistics and data analysis part of it, so little linear algebra, and basic distributions and regression models. John Hopkins university’s data science specialisation on coursera is really good.