Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions

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Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Coursera course from Berklee College of Music.

Offered by Berklee College of Music. You’ve got the guitar basics down: You can strum your guitar and play a few of your favorite songs, but ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
Amanda Monaco
Associate Professor
and 8 more instructors

Offered by
Berklee College of Music

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 12 mentions • top 11 shown below

r/Guitar • comment
3 points • ozyman

>I wish I had access to a truly good teacher but unfortunately with where I'm at it's difficult to find.

You might check out coursera. I'm taking this class offered through the Berklee College of Music:

Only one week in, but so far it seems pretty good. Video lessons. Defined practices sessions. Online discussion forums with other students. And I think you can submit video at the end of each week to get feedback from the instructor.

I signed up for free. I don't know if it's always free, or just sometimes. I also think it runs in sessions, and one just started a week ago. I don't know if you can join late or if you need to wait for the next session to start.

r/Pikabu • post
14 points • HenryMcDouglas
Подборка гитарных уроков

Всем привет!

Делюсь своей подборкой материалов по игре на гитаре. В основном это ссылки на англоязычные youtube-каналы, так что это еще и способ попрактиковаться в английском :)


  1. GuitarLessons365 - на канале много разборов популярных песен. Также есть упражнения, теория и уроки по технике. Из минусов: иногда трудно понять, что от вас хочет автор, приходится просматривать кусок видео несколько раз. ​
  2. Marty Music - также как и на предыдущий канал, содержит разборы песен. Данный канал больше подойдет для новичков, так как уроки на нём довольно просты. ​
  3. swiftlessons - как по мне, это лучший канал с гитарными уроками. На канале есть разборы песен (имхо, довольно качественные), уроки блюза, немного джаза, теория и просто хорошие рифы, ~~которые потом будете играть девчонкам~~. ​
  4. Guitargate - подойдет тем, кто поднабрался опыта и хочет слушать разговоры о гитарах. На канале есть уроки импровизации, как подбирать аккорды на слух​, как импровизировать на слух и т.д.
  5. Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions - курс на Курсере, где вы изучете несколько форм пентатоник, мажорную / минорную гаммы, несколько форм арпеджио. Полезно для развития lead-навыков. ​


P.S. Гитаристы Пикабу, кидайте в комментарии ссылки на полезные ресурсы. Let's share knowledge!

r/guitarlessons • comment
1 points • mhgl

I can’t imagine how this could be made any simpler. You do have to know your major scale and understand chord construction, but this isn’t a topic you should be focused on if you don’t already know those things.

Edit: You can learn everything you need to know to understand this course in Week 1 of the free Coursera course Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions.

r/Guitar • comment
1 points • MoandaFro

Sounds like your the perfect candidate for that free Berklee course that came out recently

r/regina • comment
1 points • cuntstriker check out this quick course, it's free and I learned alot about from it. I was probably in a similar position to you.

r/musictheory • comment
1 points • maggotbrain777

I took their Guitar Scales and Chord Progression course after dislocating my elbow and used it as a physical therapy course and thought that they laid out the instruction program perfectly.

I have completed some of their music theory lessons and think that they are doing a great job presenting online courses in an easily digestible manner.

r/guitarlessons • comment
2 points • sheldonzy

Coursera is a great idea. I looked up some more courses because I'm less into jazz (more into blues & rock), and I saw this:


What do you think?

r/Guitar • comment
2 points • epicatif

I can totally relate with you case and you might find this course by Berklee College of Music very useful.

It's up now for free and it helps learning Chord Progression and Scales.
I just suscribed to the course and started watching the first videos.

r/guitarlessons • comment
1 points • JanuaryTwentySixt

I like Music Theory from the Ground Up which is a mix of music theory and guitar theory. This Coursera/Berklee course went way too far too fast for me, but the parts I understood were mind-expanding.

r/Guitar • comment
1 points • DigitalRon

There are some great theory vids on the YouTube for all levels. I'm also self-taught, and at the end of last year, I took a (free) online course from BCM and I really got a lot out of it. The structure of the course and what I learned really improved my playing and understanding of music. There has never been a better time in history to learn guitar, and theory. Enjoy!

r/musictheory • comment
1 points • Rozenvalds

I suggest the Berkley course on scales, chords and progressions for guitar (free on coursera):


And the fundamentals of music theory from the University of Edinburgh (also free on Coursera):