Global Warming I
The Science and Modeling of Climate Change

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Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Coursera course from The University of Chicago.

Offered by The University of Chicago. This class describes the science of global warming and the forecast for humans’ impact on Earth’s ... Enroll for free.

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Taught by
David Archer
and 10 more instructors

Offered by
The University of Chicago

Reddit Posts and Comments

1 posts • 31 mentions • top 14 shown below

r/science • comment
166 points • machoman41

If anyone is interested in learning more about climate change, I would highly recommend this free online class on Coursera, called “Global Warming I, The Science and Modeling of Climate Change.” It’s taught by a professor from The University of Chicago which is pretty cool.


I made it halfway through the class and learned a ton. I want to start it up again.

r/toronto • comment
15 points • nowisyoga

Jem Bendell is a sociologist, not a climate scientist. He's also a doomsday alarmist. In scientific circles, there are a plethora of criticisms of his writings that range from poor and incorrect interpretation of current data, citing other scientists whose credentials and claims have been called to task and pulling attention and resources away from where it largely needs to go, which is toward addressing and educating climate change deniers. His paper was denied peer review, it appears for reasons considerably more involved than "the the study they thought you should not read" rationale he leads with on his site. And as has been pointed out by another redditor, the wording he uses to rally his readers is the type of stuff put forth by cult leaders.

If you want to learn about climate change...

  1. Don't read the news articles, read the research that's typically linked to in those pieces.
  2. Determine if the research comes from a credible source (i.e., peer reviewed).
  3. Either learn to interpret data, or find someone who knows how.
  4. If you really want to get into it (like, up to your armpits deep), there's a free, 53 hour Coursera course on the science and modeling of climate change.

There are so many emotion-leading articles out there (typically accompanied by an image of the earth aflame, coastal cities wracked by 100' waves or some other ghastly concoction) proclaiming that humanity and the planet will be destroyed in the next thirty years, but none of that is backed by current data. Granted, things are headed in a direction where many people are likely going to suffer, but that portends neither the end of civilisation nor the planet. And a lot is being done (research and implementation) to mitigate the effects of global warming, more so than most people realise.

If you want to do something about it, deal with the present. Start by voting out opportunistic, destructive cretins like Doug Fraud and his sycophantic posse, and demanding those who hope to replace him make climate change a priority issue.

r/environment • post
3 points • rednoise
Global Warming I: The Science and Modelling of Climate Change, taught by David Archer on Coursera
r/climatechange • comment
2 points • Eck32

You can talk about it from first principles—IE co2 absorbs more infrared energy because it is an asymmetric molecule. Thats actually how this coursera course i like explains it:

r/worldnews • comment
7 points • posterguy20

all online and free

now you can delete your fear mongering comments and learn, and now you have no excuses

UNLESS, you enjoy the attention/validation seeking on reddit and need the dopamine hit from meaningless upvotes

r/AskScienceDiscussion • comment
1 points • greese007

David Archer teaches a course for undergrads, via the U of Chicago. I went through it a few years ago.

r/skeptic • comment
1 points • starkeffect

Perhaps you should educate yourself, rather than assume you already know everything there is to know (a common attitude among engineers):

r/kurzgesagt • comment
1 points • veggiesama

I agree. The info is out there. You can even take a course if you'd like. But you're not currently looking in the right places.

r/Python • comment
1 points • Ki1103

It depends on what you want to do e.g. DEs vs Statistical models vs data analysis/visualisation. What kind of stuff are you interested in doing? And also how comfortable do you feel with Python?

I can't comment on climate systems in particular -- it's not my area of expertise -- but UChicago's Global Warming courses Part 1 and Part 2 look promising.

r/facepalm • comment
2 points • superbfairymen

I think your 'fact' on volcanoes perfectly illustrates how absurd the rest of your comment is. Current scientific estimates (some good summaries from e.g. NOAA, USGS, along with a great piece from T. Gerlach, a volcanologist) show that volcanic emissions pale in comparison to our own. All the volcanoes on earth emit in a year what humanity does in less than 10 days. There is no comparison to be made here, though quantifying the emissions from volcanoes is really important when monitoring carbon in the earth system.

I also have to address the bit below because it is directly related to my field and I can't resist

>Scientists have looked for time correlations between each cycle and have once again come to the conclusion that "global warming" is our fault. Who knows what the exact time period of each warming and cooling cycle is ? If we lived for around 2 thousand years we might.

What the fuck do you think scientists do when they 'look for time correlations between each cycle'. You are just throwing around questions willy nilly, it's fucking maddening. 'Who knows what the exact time period of each warming and cooling cycle is'? We do! We know this! It's impossible to know the past perfectly, but we have spent decades figuring out precisely when the earth entered and exited from the glacials and interglacials. We have the last 800,000 years nailed thanks to the ice cores, and we have a decent handle on the few million years before that thanks to the benthic isotope stack. These are the exact scientific discoveries that let us say, with near certainty as a community, that there is no indication that we should be warming right now. We are due another glacial! We should be level in temp, or cooling. But no, we are warming, and it is clearly thanks to humans, and there is an absolute avalanche of scientific evidence showing this. We're driving our own regression into a climate state not seen for millions of years by pumping ancient carbon into the atmosphere at an absolutely absurd rate.

It is so deeply ironic that you throw around "It is very difficult for religious people to understand..." as if you yourself sit on some high throne of knowledge. Please, I really encourage you to go and get a bachelors in earth sciences, and actually *learn*. Or just do some courses online! UChicago has a free intro course to climate change. I can't even bring myself to address the rest of your comment because it's all equal parts wrong and insulting.

God, I hope you are a bot.

r/climatechange • comment
2 points • janequeo

I really like Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast by David Archer. In general, though, I think that it's hard to find good books on this topic, because there's a lot of ongoing research and it's impossible for books to stay up-to-date. So here are a couple resources where you can find some good general info:

*By the way, someone on /r/climatescience asked a similar question, here's the post

r/JoeRogan • comment
2 points • 7Buns

\> The worst of it, is just the simple fact that the climate models that have been put out since the late 1980s have been routinely incorrect

I highly doubt I am going to convince you, but they haven't: &

If you doubt those sources, you can learn to model the climate yourself. The math isn't exactly a secret. Learning the math & physics behind climate modeling is a doable feat.

If you know how to code, these two courses are sufficient: &

\> absolutely no one who is attempting to “fix climate change” will acknowledge that both India and China have zero desire to get off of coal in the near (50 years) future.

Nah, environmental groups acknowledge it. It is a BIG problem like you've said. Just because you don't hear about something doesn't mean it is not happening.

Science isn't built around a cult of personality. Freeman Dyson was a smart guy but being smart doesn't mean you can't be wrong. Posting on reddit isn't going to change anything though, and you & I will both be dead by the time the worse impacts of climate change (which will occur at the end of the century assuming we do nothing) come to fruition.

r/climatechange • comment
4 points • knob-0u812

you could read the IPCC's material if you have the tendency to like that type of format.


Someone else posted the following list of sources in another thread (I'm doing the course listed and it's awesome):



6 degrees by Mark Lynas

You can get used copies of Bill Ruddimans "Earth's Climate: Past and Future". Its a very comprehensive text book aimed at non science majors, so is approachable but hits all the details.

A basic read through from the BBC

You can buy or read on line the "Discovery of Global Warming"

Online courses by actual experts.

r/climatechange • comment
1 points • TTauriStellarBody

> None of those things were in the original article.

They did not need to be. The article was for general interest UK audience, so one that accepts the mainstream science. Not for pettifogging climate change "skeptics".

> You're a very disengenious, dishonest person and you don't appear to be at all interested in actually discussing topics or increasing knowledge. Basically you're a troll.

Thank you for your comment. I shall take it to be a sign of your frustration from a lack of knowledge of this field. Feel encouraged to expand on your knowledge from credible sources.


> Books.,
>6 degrees by Mark Lynas
>You can get used copies of Bill Ruddimans "Earth's Climate: Past and Future". Its a very comprehensive text book aimed at non science majors, so is approachable but hits all the details.
>A basic read through from the BBC
>You can buy or read on line the "Discovery of Global Warming"
>Online courses by actual experts.