No, there isn't. Even for financial professionals it's a very poor indicator of acumen and won't help you become a better investor.
Your best bet is mostly through academic textbooks. Youtube is full of charlatans and investopedia will only get you so far.
I saw someone recommend I haven't taken this course, but it is taught by Robert Shiller (and is free).
There is this course, which I also cannot vouch for as I haven't taken it, Illinois has a good financial planning program and the CFP Board is reputable for investor education. It may end up being too basic for you, but it is free.
Similar course through Florida:
If you want to learn more about valuing companies, then Professor Damodaran at the Stern School of Business has some of the most widely available material for free.
His classes are posted to Youtube and he also uploads slides and quizzes for each lecture along with the solutions.