I have an undergraduate physics degree and took astrophysics as optional modules. Absolutely mindblowing, thou it was only the introduction course.
There are also so many introductory astrophysics courses now available online. One that I enjoyed immensely:
Undergraduate physics is mostly the same everywhere. Specialisation starts when doing post-graduate, ie honours, masters. When doing physics you will work in the academic, meaning teaching, writing articles, etc. Also currently the research budget in South Africa is very stretched. But the world is open for you. You travel the world doing conferences and can do you post-grad or post-doc anywhere in the world.
If all fails you can work in the financial sector, eg banks (most physics that leave academic for the big bucks), software developer (these days a large part of astrophysics is programming, so start to learn python) and education (high school teacher)
Also PM if you are interested in Antartica or have questions, I was a year team member. Also if you are doing physics you have very good chance to be able to go as a volunteer as you have priority. Will highly recommend it.